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Boy you gotta carry that weight, carry that weight a long time

So lesson learned after one month on the road; I really can live with a whole lot less. 

When I left Seattle with a big suitcase, a small suitcase, a backpack and a handbag I thought I was doing amazing considering I’d be gone a year.

After two weeks in Florida, having lugged that stuff through the Ft. Lauderdale airport up to the car rental, into the trunk, up the stairs to my Airbnb, I was rethinking things. 

I pared down the quantity and weight but not the bag count before I left Florida for 10 days in Virginia.

I had preshipped a carryon of winter clothes to VA and planned to leave it there. Still had to lug all the travel luggage from FL to VA.

Still not fun or easy.

Did one more small purge in VA of a few things and headed off.

So now I am four cities in and I have decided to send the majority of my things home tomorrow before heading to Fiji.

I am downsizing to the small suitcase and the backpack. 

I have lived the last week off of what I can pack in those two items and been perfectly fine.

Making the decision and finally making the plan to do it today has literally lifted a 25kg bag off my shoulders. 

All the items that I might need for this or could use for that seem really unimportant and silly now. 

If I need it I will find it wherever I am. 

Simplicity works. White t shirt black tank top grey shorts jeans sneakers flip flops bathing suit, and now a few cute caftans. 

Stuff has always been important to me and I don’t apologize for that. I worked hard and like nice things for myself not for what they say to other people.

But traveling like this, that stuff became a burden. I had to keep paying to drag it along with me like a snail who won’t let go of his previous shell. 

So I wish I could report my body was actually 25 kg’s lighter although there has definitely been progress there too, but dropping that dead weight is one more step in the journey.

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