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The rules are there ain't no rules

Well there are a few, but mostly I am trying to plan less and experience more. But I only packed clothing for warm weather so no skiing in Zurich. Oh and with regards to PACKING FOR A PLANNED YEAR OF TRAVEL. This my friends, was painful. I am most proud of my ability to whittle my life down to a big suitcase, a small carryon suitcase a backpack and purse. For a whole year, c'mon people I am not 23 and living in bikinis and flipflops.

Other non-rule rules include a budget. I did work with a financial planner to put myself on a budget that includes doling out my money to me like paychecks twice monthly.

Some self-imposed rules are that I would blog, that I will learn Spanish, that I will read at least 2 books a month.

And most importantly, that any rule can be changed by the rule maker, which is me. This was a total epiphany in therapy one afternoon before I left Seattle. How freeing it was to know I could change my mind about any of it. At any time.

So plane ride #1 LAX to SYD direct on January 4th. I arrived in Sydney on Satuurday morning January 6th.

To say my arrival was easy would be a lie. The flight was a dream. Once I hit the airport I realized how unprepared I was. My cellular wifi wasn't working, I had forgotten to notify my bank of my travels and they shut off my credit cards and I couldn't call them because my phone wasn't working. I needed cash for the taxi but couldn't get any without my bank cards working. I could easily have sat down and cried. But I didn't. I sat down, wiped the enormous amounts of sweat from my brow and thought. I took out my laptop, connected to the airport wifi, and skype called Bank of America to straighten out my bank cards. That was step one to get cash and get in a taxi. I also managed to email friends and family I had landed safely but was having technical difficulties.

I was so happy to finally get to my destination, a cute little Airbnb. The host met me, and he looked at my luggage and let out a big sigh. I didn't know the place was a fourth floor walkup. With no AC. Which would have been ok, I only had to take the bags up once. However, I was not alone in this apartment.

To say he had a bug problem would be too kind. Now I am not opposed to sharing space with a friendly daddy long legs or two. Or acknowledging because the windows are open without screens you might have a fly or some other insects. No, this was a full on infestation of roaches. We are talking New York City roaches. I tried, I really tried to overcome my feelings of revulsion. Unsuccessful. New Rule- no roaches. So I spent night one with one eye open. I was also treated that night to the lovely stirrings of the neighborhood "get it on" show. New rule #2- no live porn next door. I got myself into a new place Sunday morning and am happy to report it is fabulous and insect free- and it has AC!

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